Sunday, May 15, 2011

Fallout 3

  I had purchased Fallout 3 a while back since it was on sale at the time (approximately 5 months ago) and I just realized I never beat it.  So I picked up yesterday and started playing it again on my Xbox 360.  Once I beat the game I will have a more thorough review, but until then, here are a few words about the game:

Fallout 3 gives a great and in-depth storyline, it was definitely worth the $20 I spent on it so far.  I've encountered a few glitches in my time playing it -- like being able to get behind solid machines, a weird state glitch that kept making me crouch and uncrouch without me pushing any buttons.  And one final thought for those who will play it on the Xbox 360: Save the game to your harddrive.  The game is constantly reading in data, so your Xbox gets extremely noisy if you are reading from disk.


  1. I've never played the fallout series. Saving the game to the HD is a great idea with a lot of games too. looking forward to the review!

  2. fallout 3 is a must play, especially if you liked the old fallout series from interplay.

  3. Maybe i should give a look at this one..

  4. nice, i'm playing new vegas now. I love the fallout games. you ever try oblivion?
